The state of things

I don’t even really know how to start this post. When I look out my windows nothing in our area looks different. People are going about their day, just like they always do. But I know the reality for many people in the country is very different today.

Last night was late and short for us. Chris was really shaken when he got home, and understandably. As we were able to sit and talk more last night he shared what he’d been through and it left me with tears, aching for him and the things he had seen and experienced, and for all those that were suffering. After he was able to help the first girl out of the building yesterday he went deeper in and found another girl. He did everything he could with what he had in the limited light and couldn’t get her out. He knew her name and had to walk away. There was no one around to help him and aftershocks were hitting. It was getting dark. I don’t understand what is going on in his heart, I can only imagine, and it breaks my heart.

We were up early this morning to get things prepped so Chris could take all of our workers, our friend Barb, two other missionaries, our two trucks and a bunch of tools to Port to help out where they can. I was expecting to have some of them resist the plan when they heard it, but not a single person did. As Chris recounted the events of yesterday they were all in. They gathered together, grabbed what they could and we prayed and they were off. I am amazed at the resiliency of the Haitian people. I want to ask for your prayers. today will be a very difficult day for all of them. Chris knew what they were going back into, our workers didn’t because the phones are still down and the access to information is so limited. My heart is hurting for what I know they will be seeing and experiencing.

A big part of me wanted to go to because I think I would feel more useful there. But, I know that the best thing I can be doing today is to be at home, staying in touch with people and making things feel as normal as possible for Olivia. there have been several times today where she has seen me tear up because of what I’m seeing or reading and she’ll just say, “Mommy sad.” Yes, Mommy is very sad. The more news that comes out online or through other missionaries in Port the more sad and dire the whole situation is. To see pictures of the grocery store where we shopped flattened, or to see pictures of the National Palace destroyed are shocking. We were hearing things last night, but the photos were limited. Just before we went to bed we looked online again and realized that they weren’t rumors, but fact. The feeling was indescribable. The closest I could come is surreal.

When you hear reports that 60% of Port au Prince has been flattened, it’s true. To understand the magnitude of that, aside from the lives affected, consider that Port au Prince is the center of the country. It is where all the main government offices are, where all the main commerce happens and where so many resources are based out of. Consider that infrastructure is almost non-existent. Consider that after 6 years of cleaning up from the World Trade Centers collapse they were still cleaning up. This, is an entire city. The long term effects are baffling. And, we won’t truly know what they are until much, much later.

I think that’s all I can muster right now. Please be praying for Haiti.

I know many of you are wondering what’s happening with Peter and Sara. They got to Ft. Lauderdale after some travel woes of their own, only to find out that the earthquake had happened. They are still in Ft. Lauderdale and are hanging tight until there is more info about when flights will resume. We’ll keep you updated about all that too as we have news. Just pray for them.

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About Leslie

I'm Leslie. Wife. Mother. Missionary. In the day to day my husband and I are responsible for running Clean Water for Haiti, a humanitarian mission that builds and distributes water filters to Haitian families. Living in Haiti full time provides lots of stories, and as I tell my husband, our grandkids probably won't believe most of them. Maybe writing them down will give me some credibility.

9 thoughts on “The state of things

  1. Hey Leslie…. I am not really sure what to say… but I just want to encourage you to hold tight to Jesus…. I feel like God is saying he is in control and to hold on tightly….. he has a plan and even though its way to hard to understand right now its still in his plan.

    I am so glad that you are all OK….. before these natural disasters happen God usually warns me in a dream…. that night you said the waves were crashing so loudly you had to close the window….I actually had a dream about it that same night….. I didn’t know what it meant until my mom told me about your post and said there had been a earthquake… I just feel to warm you to watch the sea for a while keep being alert to those changes that you notice and don’t ignore them.

    We are praying for you I wish I could be there, seeing the pictures my heart was broken. And I though what a better time to share the Love and eternal life of Christ with a people who just lost everything.

    Peace and Grace to you,

    Melissa Indequi

  2. Our prayers are with Chris and the group headed to Port. I can’t imagine what they are going to see and how that will affect them!

    Seeing the photos & videos were shocking last night. I’m very glad to hear that there is minimal damage in your area, that gives me hope for Ronel’s family in Borel area.

    Our prayers are continued……

  3. Leslie- I’m an old friend of Chris’ from University and have followed the amazing good work you do via the internet for years. I am so happy your family is ok but I am shocked and saddened by what is happening there. You have my prayers and the prayers of my family.

  4. Leslie, thank you so much for your continued updates. Prayer chains far and wide are activated for you and all of Haiti. My thoughts and prayers are with all of you.

  5. I know Jerry and Sara from church (and from Keller Williams) and have been following your work. Our family is praying for you and for all the people in pain and grief following such a calamity. Please keep us posted, and I am so glad that you and your family are safe.

    His peace be with you,

  6. Hi Leslie,
    My name is LaShawn. We know Chris from Barb Jonusaitis (I think we even met you when we were still at Dupage Vineyard). I wanted to say that we are glad to hear you guys are safe, but on the flip side, praying deeply for Haiti. Is there anything we can do besides pray?

  7. Hello, Leslie,

    My name is Karen and you do not know me. I “stumbled” providentially onto your website while looking for reports on Borel. The only info I have been able to find so far is on Port au Prince. We have a Compassion International child that we sponsor who lives in Borel and we have been praying and wondering how things are there. Any information you could give us would be such a blessing to our family. We will include your ministry in our prayers also, God bless,

    • Hi Karen,
      Can’t give you any definite answers, but looking at things in our area things are okay. Borel is even further away from the epicenter. I would say it’s safe to guess they’re alright.

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